Review – Vape Craft Red Riot

Fans of ANML Carnage know that Strawberry Liquorice makes for an excellent Vape. When Vape Craft Inc. released “Red Riot” we decided to give it a try.
You can pick up a bottle of Red Riot for as little as $3 for 15ml
Vape Craft Red Riot Liquid
Vapor Production
I know what you're wondering... Is Vape Craft Inc's Red Riot more Twizzlers or Red Vines? Well the answer is Red Vines. The strawberry flavor is underlying on the inhale, not overpowering. As with most Vape Craft flavors, this needs to steep for a few weeks otherwise the flavor is hard to notice. Of course the price is downright unbeatable at $3 for 15ml or $15 for 120. You can juice up and keep going for next to nothing.